expense tips

    How to Spring Clean Your P-Card Program by Straightening Up Data Reviews

    This month, improve your P-Card program using Card Integrity’s “Springtime Solution” mini-series! First up: Clean your P-Card program by

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    Don’t Let Personal P-Card Purchases Make You an April Fool

    Who hasn’t fallen for April Fool’s Day prank? Granted, it’s embarrassing, but it’s all in the name of good, harmless fun.

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    No Spring Break for Higher Education P-Card Programs

    While it might be a fun and relaxing time for students, Spring Break is when those overseeing a Higher Education purchasing card (P-Card)

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    How Tech Innovations in Travel Can Trip Up Your P-Card Program

    In last few years, the travel industry has seen an influx of innovations — all of which rely on the newest trends in technology. These

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    The Challenges of Higher Education P-Card Programs

    Just as businesses and corporations of all types and sizes have taken advantage of the benefits and conveniences of purchasing card

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    March is National Procurement Month

    The month of March is known as National Procurement Month and is dedicated to honoring purchasing professionals in public and private

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    Valentine’s Day brings red hearts – and red flags on potential fraud

    Ah, Valentine’s Day — the day when love is celebrated around the world with the giving of sweet, romantic gifts.

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    Fall in love with data analytics

    If undetected fraud is the nemesis of purchasing card programs, their knight in shining armor is data analytics.

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    Does Your P-Card Program Have a New Year’s Resolution?

    For many, a new year means a fresh start. It’s a time to reflect on the past, examine any shortcomings, and then look forward to the

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    Give Your Business the Gift of Reduced Risk: Prohibit Purchasing of Gift Cards

    During the winter holidays, many companies (perhaps yours as well) have practiced the habit of giving gifts to their clients and customers

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