The month of March is known as National Procurement Month and is dedicated to honoring purchasing professionals in
7 P-Card Best Practices connected to Purchasing / Procurement role
- Assign Purchasing the responsibility of overseeing the P-Card program.
- Identify “preferred suppliers” and communicate who they are to cardholders and managers (in order to better utilize corporate partners).
- Review P-Card spend to ensure that preferred suppliers are being used.
- Allow purchasing to have consistent access to the P-Card program (to best leverage supplier negotiations).
- Set up and utilize ghost cards with key preferred suppliers.
- Track and manage cardholders that do not use the ghost cards.
- Use an eProcurement Portal tied to a ghost card or ePayables for key suppliers.
For a comprehensive list of P-Card best practices from Card Integrity, request your free copy today.
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Here are some ideas to help you celebrate National Procurement Month:
- Share newsletters and other procurement articles with your colleagues.
- Educate yourself and others about various procurement organizations like NASPO, NIGP, and NAPCP.
- Use social media to share your appreciation. Follow us on LinkedIn for articles to share.
- Treat procurement officials in your department to treats in the office to thank them for their hard work
- Learn the value of monitoring in “The Overlooked Value of Outside P-Card Monitoring Service”.