fraud and misuse

    3 Hidden, Internal Fraud Schemes and How to Flag Them

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    How to Decrease Fraud With P-Card Policy Ethics and Machine Learning

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    Step By Step Guide to Reducing These Common Expense Fraud Tactics

    With every growing and active card program, potential employee fraud instances, unfortunately, come with the territory. Whether someone is

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    Setting Goals to Expose Employee Fraud Hiding In Your Data

    As you narrow down the goals for your card program in the new year, consider placing reducing employee fraud at the top of the list. Fraud

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    Win the War Against Gift Card Fraud Schemes with These Tips

    Commercial credit card managers are in a continuous battle against card fraud. One of the most common financial fraud schemes right now

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    Five Expense Fraud Tactics with Tips to Find Them in Business Travel

    T&E or Travel and Expense management is considered one of the most difficult costs to monitor and control. If you are a card manager or

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    Unpacking the Sunshine Act to Boost Protection and Transparency in Health Care Spend

    Health care is a highly regulated industry and with good reason. Hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and health care entities all care

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    Getting AP on board in the fight against vendor fraud

    One important relationship businesses create and nurture externally is with vendors. Unfortunately, vendors can also take advantage of that

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    Tackling Fraud in Your Global Card Program

    As we discussed in our post on running a global purchasing program, the bigger the corporate card program, the bigger the challenges. (Read

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    Preventing purchasing card fraud by getting to its roots

    When a person commits fraud with a purchasing card (P-Card), by definition, it is a deliberate act. The P-Card holder knows that his or her

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