expense tips

    2022 NAEP Kentucky Conference

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    Invoice Review – 7 Key Practices to Prevent Duplicates

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    Cardholder Training – 8 Best Practices to Start Using Right Now

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    Step By Step Guide to Reducing These Common Expense Fraud Tactics

    With every growing and active card program, potential employee fraud instances, unfortunately, come with the territory. Whether someone is

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    Strategic Ways to Tighten Up Your T&E Policy for Compliance

    Travel and expense, or travel and entertainment spending also known as T&E are essential for organizations participating in business

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    9 Common Mistakes When Reviewing Receipts

    When managing a card program, whether for domestic purchases or globally, more than likely your team has dealt with intensive receipt

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    How to Maintain and Grow Your Card Program With Low Staff

    Worker shortages are affecting many organizations all over the U.S. We’re seeing the effects of low staff everywhere from gas stations and

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    How to Implement a Paperless Accounts Payable Process

    Manual paper systems have been at the core of accounts payable processes for a long time. However, paper systems are becoming less

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    How to Avoid Payment Method Pitfalls and Siloed Data in Your Card Program

    Anyone involved with managing a card program understands the numerous responsibilities you need to juggle on a daily basis. With these

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    Managing PPE Expenses In Your Card Program

    The pandemic has brought forth a variety of expense challenges to card programs. One of these new challenges that has arisen is handling

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