In the previous article of our work-from-home series, we focused on business expenses, reimbursements, and individual success. In this article, we focus on specific card program management and procurement challenges that can arise when working from home — and how they can be overcome.
In work as in life, everyone can become very accustomed to their routines, including program administrators and procurement professionals. From that first cup of coffee in the morning to cardholder training sessions that take place every Wednesday afternoon, behavior patterns become a part of one’s life at the office.
A common daily routine for procurement teams or administration is card program management. Often, card managers and administrators have developed habits and strategies that help them succeed in their work settings. However, as many organizations have implemented working from home during the COVID-19 crisis, the strategies and tips management relied on in the past are no longer applicable.
Other departments, not just procurement, are working in a new environment with different obstacles and distractions, and they, too, can’t rely on their typical strategies. As a result, working from home might be challenging at first for any employee. However, with every new challenge, card managers and administrators in particular must explore and apply the best possible solutions, as quickly as possible, to avoid any loss in productivity.
Here are the biggest challenges that card administrators or anyone handling program management could face while getting acclimated to the new normal of working from home.
Once your organization identifies its work-from-home challenges, consider the following strategies to create and implement the best solutions.
One of the most important ways to ensure the success of teams during this time is to keep communication flowing as freely as possible between employees. This could include daily team calls or online meetings, so that all employees are informed of any necessary information and to ensure that everyone is on the same page. It’s also great way to check in with co-workers to see how they are doing and to find out exactly what support they might need at this time.
Brainstorming and other similar sessions that allow employees to think outside of the box are very useful for many businesses. While working from home, it might seem that these sessions would be impossible. However, technology exists that employees can utilize to reach out to their co-workers as needed and create such opportunities — albeit in a more virtual way. For example, individuals can use Microsoft Teams while working on a task or project to allow for quick communication until the tasks are completed. Then, employees can use phone calls or meetings for discussions that require more time.
With employees now working from home, the need for processes to be “virtual” takes priority. The business buzz word of COVID-19 has become “pivot”: Organizations need to turn things around and transform our business world, as quickly and easily as possible, into a work-from-home environment. However, digitizing systems that were once based extensively on paper is not a quick-and-easy task.
Typically, procurement and finance departments already work with banks that offer at least some basic digital solutions. But digitizing card management while in a work-from-home environment needs to go much further than those services. Consider taking the following actions, which might go beyond what your banks offer:
There’s no doubt about it — we are living in times unprecedented to most of us. Remote work challenges are real, they are large, and they can overwhelm a business.
But it’s exactly these types of challenges that our services were developed to solve. In fact, you could rightly say that Card Integrity was made for this kind of change.
Our Data-Wise solution is designed to take on the digital nature of this new work-from-home reality. It provides you with everything you need to make your card management successful, even while your organization is remote.
To help with the transition from paper to digital receipts, consider our Receipt-Wise solution. Card Integrity can help you move to a digital system that might mean a positive difference in your future card management as well as your present situation. We then validate and track those digital receipts in a way that translates into better security, less fraud, more compliance, and more savings for your card program, both now and later down the line.
As for cardholder training, Card Integrity’s Training-Wise program is built specifically to educate employees and communicate your card policies and procedures via online methods. You will know — remotely — who trained, when they trained, and if they trained successfully.
With the help of our services, Card Integrity can be an integral part of your organization’s success while your employees work from home.
Visit our website to learn more about each service solution: