Integrating Sustainable Travel Solutions For Your Card Program

    Business travel may not be booming like it was pre-pandemic. However, it’s still a necessary requirement to promote growth, build

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    Card Integrity Awarded Higher Education Partnership with IPHEC

    Click the image to visit the IPHEC website.

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    Invoice Review – 7 Key Practices to Prevent Duplicates

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    Join Us at the Upcoming NIGP Forum!

    We are excited to announce that Card Integrity will be an exhibitor this year at the 2022 NIGP Forum and Products Exhibition! Every year,

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    How to Decrease Fraud With P-Card Policy Ethics and Machine Learning

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    3 Steps to a More Sustainable Procurement Policy

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    Cardholder Training – 8 Best Practices to Start Using Right Now

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    Step By Step Guide to Reducing These Common Expense Fraud Tactics

    With every growing and active card program, potential employee fraud instances, unfortunately, come with the territory. Whether someone is

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    Upcoming Purchasing and Auditing Conferences

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    Strategic Ways to Tighten Up Your T&E Policy for Compliance

    Travel and expense, or travel and entertainment spending also known as T&E are essential for organizations participating in business

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