When purchasing cards are used incorrectly for a single transaction, that abuse might go undetected, and without due diligence, so might the loss of funds. That isolated situation is bad enough. But what happens with ongoing payments when there are multiple abusive transactions — because those transactions are automated and repetitive? Imagine a loss of funds, month after month after month.
Consider the number of transactions that your company considers to be on the up and up — within the guidelines of your policies and procedures — that certainly could be made as automatic withdrawals to a P-Card. Anything requiring a subscription on a regular basis could be fair game: organizational memberships, magazines, online software, and insurance policies, just to name a few.
Now imagine the same transactions, only of a personal nature, rather than for your business. And then imagine those transactions happening, over and over again.
You’ve heard of “the song that never ends”? This is the P-Card abuse that never ends — unless it gets caught.
Repetitive transactions can add up quickly and quietly, without some sort of system in place to nip them in the bud. What might such a system require?
A P-Card program and a responsible system to watch over that program are musts that go hand in hand if the P-Card program is to be a successful one that remains low in risk. Granted, setting up an auditing system in house is not always easy to do. It involves more staff, more space, more training, and more time. But what if there was a way to create such a system, without these hassles?
Card Integrity’s ReceiptWISE oversees your P-Card program, without reinventing the wheel. Receipt-Wise offers receipt monitoring customized per your specifications. Use it to reduce risk for all transactions, including any automated on-going charges.
Include Card Integrity’s DataWISE for even more security and protection. Every month, Data-Wise reviews 100 percent of your company’s transaction data. Data-Wise quickly identify any abusive behavior, to help prevent that behavior from turning into an ongoing catastrophe.
For more information about Receipt-Wise and Data-Wise, and how these programs can create a responsible, customized, and comprehensive monitoring system for your company, click HERE or call 630-501-1507.