Pat LaCroix

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    Getting AP on board in the fight against vendor fraud

    One important relationship businesses create and nurture externally is with vendors. Unfortunately, vendors can also take advantage of that

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    How your AP department can encourage savings

    Often, and rightly so, Accounts Payable (AP) departments are focused on money that’s already been lost — through the improper use of

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    4 Types of Employee Fraud That Could Hide in Your Corporate Expenses and Across Payment Methods

    One of the biggest challenges that Accounts Payable departments face is not only identifying employee fraud and misuse — which on its own

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    Meeting the Challenges of Multiple Payment Methods

    Wouldn’t it be great if your company had just one way of paying for supplies, travel, and other expenses? That’s a nice business utopia in

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    Take hints from “Clean Your Refrigerator Day” to spruce up your expense review process

    Doing an expense review is like cleaning out your refrigerator — the tedious work still needs to get done, even if nobody wants to do it.

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    The Pros and Cons of Using Travel Cards

    Just as purchasing cards (commonly known as P-Cards) have become a convenient and safe way to handle business expenditures, the more

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    The Pros and Cons of P-Cards for Large or Growing Card Programs

    Procurement cards (commonly known as P-Cards) have both their advantages and their disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons of P-Cards you

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    Four important steps to achieving your card program goals

    In another article (Setting Goals for a More Successful Card Program), we discussed the importance of defining goals for your card program

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    Setting Goals for a More Successful Card Program

    Where would a business be without setting goals? Goals focus on desired results while motivating employees to reach those results. Goals

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    Two Internal Controls That Managers Need to Communicate to Cardholders

    Communication. It’s a simple word, and it’s a simple action, and yet the lack of it threatens a commercial card program’s success. Are you

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